Saturday, January 26, 2013

Stow Republican Club meeting: 26Jan2013
Pledge of Allegiance
Grace - Gloria Rodgers
Petition for Candy O’Connor announced
The daughter of Nancy Kroft was struck in the head by a large branch during a windstorm and suffered a skull fracture. Please keep her in your prayers.
Introduction of Drew and Ania Schottenheimer – new members.
Treasurer’s report – Rob Armstrong
Katarina Cook – Judge, Akron Municipal Court
2013 Stow Republican Club nominees:
President: Larry Kinnan
Vice President: Gloria Rodgers
Secretary: Kathy Armstrong
Treasurer: Rod Armstrong
Ward 1: Renata Kinnan
Ward 2: Sonja Guiffrida
Ward 3: Brian Loudermilk
Ward 4: Joe Hickin
All candidates elected by unanimous voice vote.
Swearing in by Judge Katarina Cook.
Address by new President Larry;
Agenda 21 – Development of Stow-Kent Plaza area similar to Agenda 21. Proposals may affect property rights.
New members – need new, younger members. Get people you know involved.
Need to support our candidates in coming year. We may not agree on every issue, but we do agree on our base principles.
Attend city council meetings and Board of Education meetings: be aware of events and make your opinions heard.
        Board of Education meetings found here.
        City Council meetings found here.

Historical Society is running a campaign to save an historical schoolhouse.
     Historical Society website:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Stow Republican Club will be meeting at On Tap Restaurant for breakfast on Saturday, January 26 at 8:30 a.m.  During the meeting, the Nominating Committee will be presenting a slate of officers for 2013.  If you are a member, and would like to recommend a candidate for consideration, please email Nancy Kroft at

Cost for the breakfast is $10.  Please email Kathy Armstrong ( for reservations.